Saturday 29 January 2011

Cabinets de Curiosités

Hello and welcome “followers’, I’m really happy to see you here, and to read that you like my miniatures. Sometimes, when you are alone with your PC and your camera, you don’t know if what you are doing is wrong or right, especially when you try to compare with the other blogs full of wonderful  miniatures and dream houses. Whatever !
I’m working  on a house – that I’ve had for almost two years! – where I plan to fit out a Cabinet of Curiosities . It’s a long shot idea and the very reason why I called this blog “Petit Cabinet de Curiosités”. I just bought an excellent book on all kind of cabinets from the Sixteen century to present days  and I can’t resist to show it. It’s really an extraordinary book both for text and photos.

Patrick Mauriès - Cabinets de Curiosités –Gallimard 2002.
The original edition is in English, published by Thames and Hudson, but is very difficult to find. I’m sure that miniaturists can find in it a basket full of new ideas. Now, the challenge is to convert ideas into objects!


  1. El reto que te has propuesto es importante pero no dudo que lo alcanzarás con éxito. Estoy deseando ver pronto uno de tus trabajos. Un saludo, Eva

  2. Amazon says the book is being re-released (in English) in September 2011, FYI
